  • Phone

    +91 98 65 108754

  • Address

    Karumapalayam, Avinashi



Organic manures contain small percentage of nutrients and they are applied in large quantities. Farmyard manure (FYM), compost and green-manure are the most important and widely used bulky organic manures.

Nitrogen - 10 - 12%,

Phosphorous - 1 - 2%,

Potassium - 1.0%.

1.They supply plant nutrients including micronutrients

2.They improve soil physical properties like structure, water holding capacity etc.,

3.They increase the availability of nutrients

4.Carbon dioxide released during decomposition acts as a CO2 fertilizer and Plant parasitic nematodes and fungi are controlled to some extent by altering the balance of microorganisms in the soil.


Soil is the base of our conventional way of farming and if the soil is weak , plants cannot use the inputs effectively. In order to enrich the soil, supplementing the soil with organic manure is an ideal option for green and clean environment.

Organic manures are the natural materials that decay into the soil and enrich the soil by providing micro organisms. The objective of micro-organisms is to convert the nutrients present in the soil and the manure to a form which can easily be absorbed by the plant roots. It is providing nutrients in natural way.

Our organic manure act as.

  • - Organic manure provides natural way of nutrients in the soil.
  • - Organic manure provides to retain the soil ability to store water.
  • - Organic manure balances soil Ph value.
  • - Organic manure provides organic acids to dissolve soil nutrients.
  • - Organic manure enhances the growth of essential micro-organisms.


The following are the types of organic manure. These are different methods to achieve a common result based on different types of plants.

  1. 1.Green manuring.
  2. 2.Composting.
  3. 3.Green leaf manuring.
  4. 4.Organic waste manuring.

Our product can be applied directly and works very well in moist conditions. It is advised NOT to apply any chemicals at this point in time which will kill the micro-organisms. The resulting plants contains lots of micro-organisms & nutrients which is excellent for plant growth. This can be either sprayed on growing plants as foliar spray or directly applied to the soil.


This can be done even form small spaces like apartments and get this to the farming business in India. Making organic manure will be a side income generating business and does not require much start up investment. As government is encouraging farmers to go for organic manure production and giving subsidies for building Vermicompost pits and structures, This would be the best opportunity to use this and help the country. Go Green with organic manures and no chemicals please!!!.